Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Google Friends Newsletter - August 2009

Google Friends Newsletter - August 2009

We hope all our Google friends had a great August. Here is this
month's update on our products and services.


Power Readers on Google Reader

Where do Arianna Huffington and Thomas Friedman go to get different
perspectives on the news? Which economics sites does Nobel prize
winner Paul Krugman read? What sites and blogs do the editors of
Lifehacker, Boing Boing and Kottke read? In an effort to help people
find great stuff to read in Google Reader, we approached leaders
across a variety of fields and asked them what they read online. We
got lots of great responses, which we've collected into our second
edition of Power Readers. In this edition, we've expanded from Power
Readers in Politics to include journalists, techies, fashion critics,
foodies and more. We hope this will be a good place for you to find
more great things to read, whether you're new to Google Reader or
already have an extensive reading list.


OpenSocial gadgets in iGoogle

We've added new social gadgets and features to iGoogle. Not only can
you play, collaborate and share with your friends using 20 social
gadgets, you can also get a feed of updates about your friends'
activities on iGoogle. There's a little something for everyone: You
can compete with others in Who Has The Biggest Brain?, Chess or
Scrabble; keep up on the latest buzz with media-sharing gadgets from
NPR, The Huffington Post and YouTube; or check things off alongside
your friends with the social To-Do list gadget. These gadgets and more
are available for users in the U.S. and Australia.

Collaborate on Picasa Web Albums

If you've used Google Docs, you know that it makes collaborating on
documents easy. We've just introduced a similar idea for photo albums
— now, every album on Picasa Web Albums is potentially collaborative,
meaning multiple people can add photos to the same album.
Contributors' photos will be attributed to them, and they can rotate,
delete, and add captions to the pictures they've uploaded. To make an
album collaborative, click the "Share" button in Picasa Web Albums,
select the people you want to share with and make sure the "Let people
I share with contribute photos" checkbox is selected. When
contributors visit your collaborative album and sign in, they just
need to click the "Add Photos" button to start uploading.

Improved health information in search results

Now there are new ways to search for health conditions on Google.com.
If you type in a condition, such as [asthma], into the Google.com
search box, it will show you a new Health search result snippet and
image with a summary of the condition and links to popular health
sites like Google Health, Mayo Clinc and WebMD. If you click the
Google Health link, you'll find a combination of information on that
specific condition (such as overview, symptoms, causes, tests,
diagnosis and prognosis) as well as results from Google search
properties such as Google News, Google Scholar and Google Trends. So
start searching today to easily get info about the health conditions
you or a loved one may want to know more about.


As the summer comes to a close and schools start to reopen, we know
some of our friends out there are dusting off their books and donning
their backpacks. If you're a student, you're probably familiar with
some of our tools that can help you excel in the classroom, including
Google search, Google Books, Google Scholar and Google Docs — just to
name a few. We're always thinking of new ways to use our products to
help you study, research or just get more organized in your
schoolwork. For ongoing Google tips and tricks tailored just for
students, check out the Google Students blog. Even if you aren't a
student, you might learn something new!

The Google Blog offers frequent updates and insights about our technology and products, and the company at large.

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