Friday, June 19, 2009

Google Friend - Google News

Google Friend - Google News

EU regulators call for tighter privacy provisions on OpenID, Facebook - BetaNews

Posted: 18 Jun 2009 03:05 PM PDT

EU regulators call for tighter privacy provisions on OpenID, Facebook
... 2009, 5:44 PM The Article 29 Working Party, the same group that fought with Google over its search log data, could take similar action against developers that utilize open identification platforms such as Facebook Connect, Google Friend Connect, ...
Don't Sell Out Your Friends Reuters
Take Control of Your Online Image to Make the Best First Impression The National Law Journal
all 214 news articles

Bing v. Bing -

Posted: 18 Jun 2009 02:51 AM PDT

Straits Times

Bing v. Bing
Google: (laughs, coughs up phlegm): They said my sneeze could put the fire out! (Unintelligible) Bing: You were in shorts, cartoons, and two live-action films along with your friend Snuffy Smith. As recently as 2006, you appeared in a DVD that captured ...
Search leaders debate semantics CNET News
Why Google might want you to think it's scared of Bing CNET News
Does Microsoft's Bing have Google running scared? CNET News
all 747 news articles

Google Books Gets an Upgrade as Yahoo Feeds the SearchMonkey - eWeek

Posted: 18 Jun 2009 12:01 PM PDT

The Age

Google Books Gets an Upgrade as Yahoo Feeds the SearchMonkey
eWeek,  NY
You might want to open right up to the table of contents so you can find your favorite chapter. And you might want to pass it along to a friend so they can have a look at it, too." Taking a page out of Google's playbook for sharing YouTube videos, ...
As US government closes in, Google eyes revenue streams for Book ... Christian Science Monitor
all 46 news articles

US city demands FaceSpaceGooHoo log-ins from job seekers - Register

Posted: 18 Jun 2009 11:30 AM PDT


US city demands FaceSpaceGooHoo log-ins from job seekers
Register, UK
According to the City, that includes everything from Facebook and MySpace to YouTube to, well, Yahoo! and Google. "Please list any and all, current personal or business websites, web pages or memberships on any Internet-based chat rooms, social clubs ...
City Wants Job Seekers' Facebook Passwords
all 20 news articles

Talk is cheap - The Age

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 11:42 PM PDT

The Age

Talk is cheap
The Age, Australia
If you want to chat online with your friends spread across Yahoo!, Microsoft and Google, it helps to have one instant messaging application to talk to them all. Instant messaging (IM) is a free service that lets you send text messages to your friends ...
The top ten UK web brands IT PRO
all 15 news articles

Friend or Fraud? Security and Social Networks - TechNewsWorld

Posted: 18 Jun 2009 04:01 AM PDT

Friend or Fraud? Security and Social Networks
TechNewsWorld, CA
At least one friend wired him money. However, Rutberg wasn't really in trouble and was in no need of assistance -- his Web page had been hijacked by cybercriminals. This is just one of the cyberscams that have hit Facebook, the world's leading social ...

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